Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Afghanistan commotion puts Obama on the spot

One of the news articles that I read online today was found on the Yahoo homepage and happened to catch my attention since it had to deal with the current events happening in the Middle East. The link to this news article can be viewed by clicking here:

The article goes over if Obama should send more troops into Afghanistan...McChrystal, a military officer, believes that if the U.S. does not send more troops into Afghanistan, then the U.S. will lose the war. This situation provides complications not just for the U.S. and Afghanistan, but also for all of the Middle East as well.

Personally, I do not feel that sending more troops over to the Middle East will get us in any better of a position to end this war. I believe that sending more troops over will just complicate the issue even more and will get us farther away from peace between the two countries. Both the U.S. and the Middle East have faced many innocent casualites and more would come if we send even more troops over to Afghanistan. I do believe that Obama is faced with a difficult decision because he is searching for the best possible source of security for America, but it does not come at such an easy cost unfortunately.


  1. After reading Baghdad Diaries, it seems especially ridiculous to send more American troops to the Middle East. The more I read about the way the US entered the conflict with Iraq, the more infuriated I become.

  2. There is a part of me that worries what will happen to the average citizen when we pull out. I am not saying that it may not be way better than it is now. I just worry a little bit.

  3. I heard the other morning that Obama decided against sending more troops. My heart jumped and it made me happy. There have been many "conquerors" in Afghanistan, but no one ever succeeded, nor will the U.S.
