Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rick Steves in Iran

Rick Steves segment on Iran was informative, but the end of the segment left me wanting to know Iran on a deeper level, as it seemed Rick Steves just seemed to scratch the surface in this show. The information that was relayed to the audience was beneficial to me, at least because I started out only knowing minimal about Iran, but this show did not come across as deep or as intriguing as I would have liked it, especially since it was on Iran. Iran is such a different society and culture compared to the United States, and considering the events of the past, Iran would have been one of the main places that many Americans would like to know more about. Even if Americans do not plan to travel there, this show could have set Iran in a better light or them or have been more informative and detailed. I almost feel like Rick Steves was trying to prove a point to Americans that Iran is not a bad place and for us to realize how similar we are, instead of just touring and interviewing Iran naturally.

But like I said, I did find this segment interesting and beneficial, but it just left me wanting to know more about Iran once I watched this segment, it showed me how beautiful of a country it is and that Iran is such a unique culture!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it just scratches the surface. The problem is, there just doesn't seem to be much more. The government is so controlling of the media coming in and out of Iran, I just don't know how one can get deeper unless you have some links to home grown blogs by real Iranians.
