Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Current Events Article: "Corrupt Countries"

I found a current events article that has some relevance to our Post Colonial class. This article (link is below), states the worlds "most-corrupt countries." Afghanistan is apparently the 2nd most-corrupt country. Some examples of why Afghanistan is considered to be one of the most corrupt countries is because of the range of government positions to daily bribes for basic services.

A few countries that were considered to be some of the least corrupt countries were Singapore, Denmark, and New Zealand. Also, on another positive note, Iraq was considered to have some improvement...being 176 out of 180 most-corrupt countries. The U.S. was ranked 19th.

Personally, I found this article to be a bit ridiculous. How do these businesses and "experts" rank these countries? What factors or qualities are considered to be a "corrupt" country and how is the ranking process done overall? There are so many different situations, reasons, qualities, characteristics that deal with how a country is overall...and most importantly, WHY a country is the way they are. Just because a particular country has a more negative view to it, does not necessarily mean it is corrupt. There are reasons behind everything, especially when dealing with the situations going on in the world today. This is not just for Afghanistan, but for every part of the world.

The link for this article is:



  1. Yeah, really, who decides who's corrupt and who's not. I wonder what countries they're from. Also, is every single country being evaluated, or just "major" influential or otherwise noticeable countries?
    On the other hand it's useful to see what sort of, and how many, violations these countries are committing. This way other nations can consider "boycotting" them or something similar...

  2. I agree I don't see how you can judge how corrupt a country is when every country has their own government, society and way of doing things in general. Although it is interesting to see who is considered corrupt I definitely think that to many countries this may be unfair. The article was really interesting though I enjoyed it a lot!!

  3. Everyone is raising good questions here. Another one I add, is that if Afghanistan is in fact one of the most corrupt countries on earth, how does Obama think that in 18 months of a surge of American troops the United States will somehow be able to turn around and strengthen this government?
